(Yeah, Brian again...)
The MACK7 Lounge is more than happy to host your parties for free. All you need to do is provide us some notice, bring your own party supplies, cap your guestlist at a reasonable headcount, and stay the night to help clean up the next day. That's what May and BMo did, and I'm very grateful for that.
And out of all the parties and gatherings so far, this was definitely my favorite. It was unique, we had a great turnout (read as "not empty, nor packed"), the guests respected the place and didn't trash it, and from the feedback, everyone had an awesome time. The rain may have kept some potential party-goers from attending, but not the hardcores. We're gonna try to do different themed parties here, but we may have to revisit this one. What else am I gonna use all these black lights for anyway?? Thank you everyone for marking up that spare piece of drywall. We now have some extra personality in our apartment. We'll have to top this party with another one very soon.
Pretty cool...
Cosmic Beer Pong
4th meal.
Sad birthday kid pandas.