Friday, September 11, 2009

Remember Where You Were When....

I was in my room getting ready for school. It was around 6am PST. Someone was calling the house which never happened that early in the morning. It was my mom who was finishing up her night shift at the hospital.
"Jon-Jon? Are you watching the news? Put it on. They hit the World Trade Center!"
There was a giant hole in one of the towers. Such a surreal moment. My eyes were glued to the set. Moments later, the top started to crumble down. It kind of took my breath away. I still went to school, but a lot of people stayed home. In some classes, we had discussions. In others, the gameplan carried on. No one knew what was going to happen next.

About 2 years later, I was looking at some of my trinkets and toys and started staring at this guy. He used to be affixed to my car dashboard. I started thinking about where I got him and it hit me: I purchased it at the World Trade Center lobby at a souvenir stand back at my Boston/NYC trip in September 2000. He'll always remind me of the towers now. Happy birthmonth pup.

My prayers to those who were affected directly and indirectly to the incidents that occurred on September 11th, 2001.

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