Monday, January 23, 2012

Jan 14: Steve and Jase's Harold and Kumar's House Warmth (via KaYoTiK)

Dedicated to the hottie with the hackneyed British accent and a nasty attitude!

Drake - Up All Night ft Nicki Minaj

These two sure did impress me with this party. They wanted to go big, and they got it. 60+ people in the crib. Randomness to the umpteenth power. Donut particles everywhere. One rude girl with a smokin' body. Two untold sex stories. Stolen artwork. A lost iPhone. And my first birthday cake of the year with the biggest amount of strangers to ever sing happy birthday to me. Bravo.

Post via B-Mo.

stephen and jason recently became the proud new owners renters of a baller condo in downtown LA. three weeks later, they decided it was a good time to have a house warming party. vodka shots, chicken soft tacos, and polaroids for all those who entered. things eventually turned strange with graffiti tagging, donut pranking, and random british party crashers. i wasn't at the top of my photography game, so i apologize for the lack of interesting coverage.

testing out the worst pong balls on earth

preppers and early arrivals

del taco. cheetos. doritos. starburst. hersheys.


#tagged #endo #ginNjuice #grilledcheese #birthcontrol #yolo



happy birthday jomo!!

donut'd x2

superb job of filling out the wall guys.

thanks for having us guys. next time invite john krasinski in.

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