Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 18: Bryan's Back @ D&B's Irvine

Bryan aka B-Liu aka RoboBryan (STOP DENYING IT LOSER!) is on spring break and back in town for a few days in Cali. You know you miss Cali son. This also means that he's back on the blog for a few days too! You know you miss being in the blog son.

Unfortunately my camera battery died and I was only able to snap 2 pictures. D&B's Irvine was definitely not crackin', and I'm not talking about the massive Asian crowd that I've come to expect there on Thursday nights. Rather, THE LACK OF the massive Asian crowd that I've come to expect there on Thursday nights. (Are are you you hating hating this this double double talk talk that that I'm I'm doing? doing?)

But it was nice to catch up and discuss politics and economics at a roundtable.

Me, Bruce, Bryan, Neeraj. (Oh yeah Neeraj is back in town for a few days too from NY. But chances are, you won't find him. But I look forward to hanging out in SD roomie!)

Melody, Cesar, James, B-Liu. Thanks for the homemade truffles Melody! They were great! Oh why James, why are your eyes closed?

(Yes, I obviously stepped up the caption game on this one with the lack of pictures.)

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