Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Aug 04: FOR THE HORDE! (Zug Zug)

On Tuesday (last week) I got dinner with the old... DotA/Warcraft 3/Counterstrike/Random Summer of 2005 crew: John, James, and Vic (plus Brian). We hit up the good ol 3.6.9 for some Shanghainese food.

John's sense of style has definitely changed since he's lived in Japan for the past few years.

A heart? How cute!

Don't mind the lighting. My brother likes to mess with the colors.

Palm Pre.

On to the food. I forgot the Chinese names for these. Beef soup.

Green onion pancake.

And some noodles. Yummmmm.

We hardly get all of us together since John's across the world and Vic's with Jessica most of the time. FOR THE HORDE! Zug zug.

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