So as I mentioned in a previous post, my brother, Brian has moved back home from UC Irvine's Summer School Sessions. And also as mentioned in that post, I thought his big screen HDTV would be going in my room because it would fit in my room. That tease. He decides to rearrange his room instead so the TV can fit. That meant moving our display rack-o-shoes around. I enthusiastically pull all the shoes off the rack and make a nice pile. You do the rest Brian.
Brian would definitely fail at human tetris.
Finally, I come up with the bright idea to put it long-ways. Yay me. As a reward, Brian bought Rock Band 2 which already has an awesome song selection. (This sorta attributes to my lack of pictures/blogging/socializing.)
Some of Brian's recent rock star moments. Here he is rockin the scarf look. Where's a high-powered fan when you need one?
And then Brian rockin his "I'm Too Sexy for my Shirt, Too Sexy for my Shirt, So Sexy it Hurts; So let me Throw it at your Face" look. Sorry Brimo. This is a family show.
Also at work today I had 2 pleasant surprises. The first one is from my other "gangsta b*tch" Casso who reps Chino Hills (909 WHAT!). Like her counterpart JFNG, she thinks shes harrrrrrrd but you wouldn't think so by looks alone.
I'm gonna f**kin kill you first Casso...
The other surprise was this email I got from work today. Every year the company will provide each employee with complimentary tickets to certain events and venues of his or her choice. Last year I accepted 4 free Disneyland tickets. This year I'm really crossing my fingers and hoping I get tickets for one of these.
Once again, sometimes I just love my job. :)
Sidebar Comment: Like Alvin, I'm calling you out too Julz(ofthechipsetmindzalikegang). 2 posts per week ain't gonna cut it. Step it up.
The Return of the Old
7 months ago
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