Alright so it isn't really a Taiwanese-American Student Association Convention. But a bunch of Stephen's friends from University of Michigan (mostly from TASA) made the trip to Las Vegas for Labor Day weekend. I haven't turned down a Vegas trip this year (4 for 4), so of course I'm game.
UPDATE: Added a few pictures from some other cameras from the night. Thanks again everyone.
The locals met up at my house early on Friday.
Costco pizza.
Jenny took the wheel for the first leg of the drive. Here's Stephen, "helping her adjust her seat." You be the judge.
Just like the last trip, Stephen is the worst shotgun ever.
Since Stephen and I both didn't get any rest from the night before, she offered to drive the whole way. This is probably the coolest thing she's ever done and ever will do. Here's Jenny hitting the buck mark. This is probably the reason why we got there in 3.5 hours. Thanks Jenny!
We got to the Mirage and met up with Lindsay who flew in from San Francisco.
Suite #9046. This spot is HUGE! 2 bedroom (1 king, 2 queen beds) and 2.5 bathrooms. Plus a huge living room and backbar area. I forgot to take pictures of the spot before we started to trash it. I'll take some pictures later.
We still think these rooms are filthy. We think some dirty perv took a crap in this bowl. "I would use his penis as a spoon." -Lindsay. (WTF!?!?!)
The drink spread for the weekend. Hopefully it's enough.
We started the night off with a game of F*ck the Dealer: you basically have to guess the number of the card. You get 2 chances. If you get it wrong, you drink. Get it right and the dealer drinks.
"Eight. Higher? Eleven!!" -Fung-Lin. I think she meant Jack. Drink up.
More of Bruce's signature handywork. Here is Stephen's Chipotle burrito.
Bruce is either doing the macarena or the sprinkler move.
Daniel, Fung-Lin, and Jeff.
Bryan, Zippy, Stephen, Jasmine.
Stephen playing bartender.
Stephen was very generous with the Captain. Returning the favor.
Stephen abusing Jenny.
Jenny's friend Lisa dropped by.
The ladies were helping Jenny get ready. HER MAN was coming to town. ;)
Zippy, Jeff, Bryan, Bruce, Stephen.
Lindsay and Jasmine.
Sejal seems to ALWAYS be in Vegas when we go. But this is the first time we actually got to meet up.
The group from Canyon High School: Arjun, Sejal, Jenny, Jasmine, Bruce, Lindsay, Stephen, Me.
The TASA group from the University of Michigan: Fung-Lin, Stephen, Chia, Wei, Bryan, Cindy, Linda, Mike, Jeff, Zippy.
Showin' some love to my girl Lindsay.
Jenny's new boy Brian flew in from New York!
We headed downstairs pretty late and we weren't able to get into Jet before the guestlist cutoff time.
So we headed to the Revolution lounge.
Nice face Stephen.
Cindy showing ME some love.
Wuttup Jeff!
Me, Chia, Stephen, Bryan.
Once again, nice face.
This looks so fake.
Danny and Lindsay.
Afterwards a few of us headed to McDonalds for some food.
Found Bruce sleeping in this position. I think he was dreaming of getting head.
We got back to the room at 5am.I woke up at 8. I hate myself. But otherwise a great first night in Vegas.
The Return of the Old
7 months ago