Tuesday, April 14, 2009

SoCal's "Hyphy Movement": Jerking

I suppose this is the real deal. Thanks Rob (DontEvenJerk).
Be sure to check out our facebook group HERE. -__-

(Name has been edited to protect the jerker's identity.)
DontEvenJerk: down to join my jerkin crew?
DontEvenJerk: we're taking over.
DontEvenJerk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZCtLE6wSP0
XJOMOX: so what exactly is this? sh*tty top rock?
DontEvenJerk: JERKIN SON!
XJOMOX: its like fake break dancing
XJOMOX: are you required to wear the hundreds too?
DontEvenJerk: tight pants seem to be a MUST
XJOMOX: oh sick
XJOMOX: f*cking in front of puzzles at UCLA
XJOMOX: its like raving x cwalk x hyphy x jumprope x running man x randomspottodance
XJOMOX: i hope they do this for a challenge on ABDC

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